How to Boost Enrollment Using Digital Marketing for Your School

minute read
April 5, 2023

In today's highly competitive educational landscape, effective recruitment and enrollment strategies are critical to a school's success. Not only do increased enrollment numbers directly impact the funding schools receive, but they also play a significant role in attracting top-notch faculty and staff.

Despite this, many schools continue to struggle with outdated websites, limited mobile presence, antiquated calendars, old newsletters, and outdated directories. When prospective parents and students search for schools, these shortcomings are immediately apparent, leading them to seek out institutions with modern, clean, and current online presences.

By investing in a robust marketing strategy that includes an updated website, mobile app, newsletter, and other communication tools, schools can significantly improve their chances of recruiting and enrolling not only the best students but also the finest teachers and staff.

In fact, even a single additional enrollment could offset the cost of such an investment, making it a wise choice in the long run. In this context, it's crucial for schools to consider the immense value of upgrading their marketing, recruitment tools, apps, and websites.

digital marketing strategies

What is a Digital Marketing Strategy?

A digital marketing strategy is a comprehensive plan that outlines the tactics, channels, and goals of a school's online marketing efforts. This strategy aims to increase brand visibility , engage with prospective students and families, and ultimately, drive higher enrollment numbers.

Developing Your Digital Marketing Plan

Creating a solid digital marketing plan involves several steps, including defining goals, selecting target audiences, choosing marketing channels, and measuring performance. By following these steps, you can create a digital marketing strategy that will improve your school’s enrollment efforts.

How to Use Digital Marketing to Boost Your School’s Enrollment

Set Clear Goals And Objectives

We set our objective for the sake of this post. We are set on using digital marketing to increase our school’s enrollment. Once we have our goal set, we can move on to the next step.

Identify Your Target Audience

Understand who your ideal prospective students and families are. Consider factors such as age, location, interests, and educational needs when defining your target audience. This knowledge will help you create more targeted, relevant marketing content that resonates with them.

Perform Competitor Analysis

Research your competitors to identify their strengths and weaknesses. Analyze their digital marketing strategies, including their website design, content, and social media presence. Use this information to differentiate your school and identify areas where you can outperform the competition.

Develop Your School's Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

Determine what sets your school apart from competitors and build a compelling USP that highlights these key differentiators. This could include academic excellence, state-of-the-art facilities, a diverse student body, or specialized programs.

You’ll weave these characteristics into your marketing plan to highlight why a student should choose you over a competitor.

Increase Your School’s Brand Awareness

Build your school's reputation and online presence by showcasing its unique selling points, such as academic excellence, extracurricular activities, and campus facilities. Share success stories, awards, and positive testimonials to create a strong, positive image for your school.

Optimize Your Website for Mobile

Ensure that your school's website is mobile-friendly , as a growing number of prospective families access information from their smartphones and tablets. A mobile-optimized site offers a seamless browsing experience, leading to increased engagement and conversions.

Choose the Right Marketing Channels

Based on your target audience and goals, select the most effective digital marketing channels for your school. These may include search engine optimization (SEO), social media advertising, Google Ads, social media marketing, and email marketing.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Enhance your school's website and event landing page for search engines to drive organic traffic and improve visibility. Focus on essential SEO strategies:

  • Keyword research: Determine relevant keywords associated with your school, geographic location, and other related topics.
  • On-page optimization: Integrate targeted keywords into your sites content like page titles, meta data, header tags, and copy.
  • User experience (UX): Make sure your website is mobile-friendly, loads fast, and is easy to navigate for the average user.

Facebook Ads

Harness the potential of Facebook advertising to reach prospective families and increase event registrations. Facebook provides various ad formats and targeting options to help you connect with your ideal audience. Keep these tactics in mind when designing your Facebook ads:

  • Custom audiences: Use Facebook's Custom Audiences feature to target individuals who have visited your website or engaged with your content.
  • Lookalike audiences: Reach new prospects by creating a Lookalike Audience based on your existing contacts or Custom Audience.
  • Retargeting: Display ads to users who have visited your website but did not take an action on your site.
  • Ad formats: Experiment with different ad formats, such as video, carousel, or image ads, to determine which resonates most with your audience.
facebook ads for schools

Google Ads

Execute targeted Google Ads campaigns to engage prospective families actively searching for information about your school. Use search ads to your advantage by focusing on specific keywords and display ads to showcase your school's visuals and branding.

Social Media Marketing

Share interesting content about your school, highlight academic and athletic achievements, post virtual campus tours, and create other engaging, sharable content that piques the interest of prospective families.

Email Marketing

Leverage email marketing to connect with prospective families, advertise events, and nurture leads. Send tailored email campaigns to your existing contacts to stay top of mind, encourage campus visits, and notify them of registration deadlines. Ultimately, email is a great way to stay in direct contact with prospects.

Create a Content Plan

Develop a strategic content plan to deliver valuable information to your target audience consistently. This plan should cover the topics, formats, and channels you will use to distribute your content. Keep your audience's needs, interests, and preferences in mind when creating content.

Allocate Resources and Budget

Determine the necessary resources, such as staff, time, and budget, to execute your digital marketing plan effectively. Allocate funds for various marketing channels and tools, and ensure that you have the right team members in place to manage your campaigns.

Establish a Timeline

Create a realistic timeline for your digital marketing efforts, including milestones and deadlines for specific tasks or campaigns. This will help keep your team accountable and ensure that you're making steady progress toward your goals.

digital marketing for schools

Monitor and Measure Performance

Continuously track the performance of your digital marketing efforts using key performance indicators (KPIs) and analytics tools. Analyze this data to identify areas of success, opportunities for improvement, and insights to inform future strategies.

Skyrocket Your Student Enrollment With These Digital Marketing Strategies

By implementing a robust digital marketing strategy, your school can increase its online presence, engage with prospective families, and ultimately, boost enrollment numbers.

Investing in a comprehensive marketing strategy, along with an updated website, apps, newsletters, and other communication tools, schools can thrive in today's competitive educational environment.

By broadcasting a modern web presence, schools can significantly enhance their recruitment and enrollment efforts for both students and faculty. As schools recognize the direct impact of increased enrollment numbers on funding and overall success, it's crucial to prioritize these improvements. In doing so, schools can not only recoup their investment but also create a strong foundation for long-term growth, positioning themselves as leaders in the education sector.

Leverage various marketing channels and consistently measure your impact to ensure ongoing success in the competitive world of education. Get in touch with SOLVED Consulting for a free consultation on your school’s digital marketing strategy today.

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